Land Acknowledgement

Falmouth Public Schools acknowledges that we are gathering on the unceded ancestral land of the Wôpanâak (Wampanoag) Nation. We recognize and respect the Wampanoag people, including those of Suckanesset, Waquoit, Sippewissett, Tataket, and Chapoquoit as original stewards of what is now known as the Town of Falmouth and honor their enduring relationship with this land. This Land acknowledgment is an intentional act to counter the erasure of indigenous people and to demonstrate respect for their sovereign rights. We are committed to educating ourselves and our students about the longstanding history of the Wampanoag people. In alignment with the core values of the Falmouth Public Schools, we pledge to build an ongoing partnership with the Wampanoag Nation.

Falmouth School Committee
Voted 6/22/2021