Wellness Support

  • I. Falmouth Public Schools

    Each district school provides guidance and/or adjustment counselors to assist students with their personal, social, and emotional development.  Services include:

    • Academic planning
    • Career and college planning
    • Individual support
    • Group support
    • Family support
    • Classroom presentations
    • Preventative education
    • Social skills training
    • Crisis Intervention
    • Mediation and conflict resolution
    • Anger management
    • Grief/loss/divorce support
    • Consultation and advocacy with parents and staff
    • Referrals to community-based services 

    II.  Community Mental Health Services

    The Falmouth Public School administrators and counselors, refer to and work closely with the following agencies when additional non-school or family-related counseling services are needed.

    Please contact your school counselor for additional resources and information.