Medication at School

Falmouth Public Schools Medication Policy and Procedure

Policy: "Medication may not be administered to students while at school unless such medicine is given to them by the school nurse acting under specific written request of the parent or guardian and is under the written directive of the student's personal physician"

Prescription medication – to be taken 10 days or less:

  • Parent/guardian must bring the medication in the original pharmacy container labeled with the child’s name.
  • Medication authorization form must be completed and signed by parent/guardian.
  • Only medication ordered to be given four times a day, or at a specified time, will be given at school.

Prescription medication – to be taken longer than 10 days:

  • Parent/guardian must bring medication to the health office in the original pharmacy container labeled with the child’s name. The medication will be stored in a locked cabinet in the Health Office.
  • If a student requires a controlled substance medication at school, the parent and nurse will count the medication together and log into the medication log sheet with date and amount received. The nurse and parent will initial the amount of medication.
  • Medication authorization forms completed and signed by parent/guardian and prescribing physician are required.
  • Parent/guardian must bring medication and completed form to the health office.
  • No more than a one month supply of the medication may be kept at school.

Non-Prescription (over-the-counter) medication:

  • Medication authorization forms completed and signed by parent/guardian and physician are required. In grades 5-12 students may receive acetaminophen or ibuprofen with parental/guardian permission under the directive of the school physician with the standing orders.
  • Medication should be in the original container and not be expired.
  • Parent/guardian must bring medication and completed forms to the health office.

Important Notes:

  • Students are not allowed to transport medications to and from school. Emergency medications (EpiPen, inhalers, etc.) may be carried by the student with the required authorization.
  • Please inform the nurse of all medications taken by your child, even if taken at home. Herbal medications and vitamins are not given at school.
  • All medications must be stored in the health office.
  • Please pick up all medication on the last day of school. Medications left will be discarded.
  • All prescription medications must be brought to school in a pharmacy-labeled bottle. If requested, the pharmacist can give you an extra labeled bottle for the doses at school.