
Keep your child home if……

Your child has a fever. This means a temperature of 100 or more. Even if there are no other symptoms yet, it is most likely some type of infection which could be contagious. Children need to be fever-free for 24 hours (without the use of fever- reducing medicine) in order to return to school.

Your child has been vomiting. If there has been no further vomiting for 12-24 hours and your child is able to eat and drink normally, they may return to school. If it lasts more than 2 days they should see the doctor.

Your child has been having diarrhea. Chances are they have a virus. They need to drink lots of water and be near a bathroom. Call the doctor if it continues or there is blood or mucus in the diarrhea.

Your child has an unknown rash. Call the doctor to determine if the rash is contagious before sending to school. Any rash accompanied by a fever and/or drainage needs to be seen by the doctor.

Your child is coughing frequently. Not every cough/cold needs to stay home. If your child is coughing continuously, it makes it hard for them or the class to learn. If your child has a cough that kept them up the night before, they are going to be too tired to learn the next day. If your child is having any breathing trouble, they need to be seen by their doctor.

Your child is on antibiotics. Children on antibiotics for strep throat, impetigo, conjunctivitis, need to be on the medication for 24 hours before returning to school. Some children need 48 hours on medication in order to feel well enough to return to school. If the antibiotic is for an ear infection, it is not contagious and your child may return as soon as they are not in pain.

Your child has red, crusty eyes. If your child has red eyes with drainage and crusting, they may have conjunctivitis or pink-eye. It needs to be evaluated by their doctor before coming to school.

Your child has head lice. If you discover head lice on your child, the lice and their eggs (nits) need to be removed before returning to school. Call the school nurse to inform her and to get information on treatment.

Please don’t hesitate to call the nurse at your child’s school with any questions.