School Committee Goals

Goal 1: Support, and mirror the administrative team's efforts to effectively communicate the mission, vision, values, priorities, and activities of the FPS.

Key Actions:

  • Participate in a School Committee workshop with Horan Communications
  • Create and share a fact sheet about what the School Committee does and what our responsibilities are
  • Hold listening sessions for families and the community as needed
  • Read the mission and vision statements at School Committee meetings
  • Hold School Committee meetings in the schools to share learning activities with the broader public

Goal 2: Improve the School Committee's understanding of District budgeting processes, critical budgeting factors, and monitoring procedures.

Key Actions:

  • Include 7 budget updates/explanations in School Committee meeting agendas
  • Review and update budget and finance policies
  • Attend school-based budget meetings during the budget planning process
  • Attend the Superintendent’s presentation to the Finance Committee
  • Attend school building tours for better understanding of maintenance and capital needs

Goal 3: Maintain a focus on academic excellence while improving the Clipper experience for all students.

Key Actions:

  • Integrate DEIB work into School Committee agendas
  • Create and share talking points for why DEIB is a District focus
  • Include at least one Clipper Experience on each School Committee agenda
  • Include one student excellence or opportunity item each month during a School Committee meeting
  • Review the Student Advisory program
  • Periodically attend the Superintendent coffee hours for parents and meetings with students
  • Periodically attend PTO meetings as an observer only to learn more about the student experience and report back to the full School Committee.
  • Attend Belonging Sessions